
Secrets are one of the card types in the game. Cards with the Secret ability can be invoked (played) face-down as a Secret for 2, then later invoked from a Secret for its Secret cost.

Additionally, some Secrets have the ability to be invoked from a Secret for an alternate cost when a timing condition is met. During asynchronous play, these Secrets will automatically be invoked when this timing condition is met, even during an opponent's turn. This lets you set up traps for your opponent to walk into, even though you can't personally take game actions during an opponent's turn in async play.

Secrets to Know


Interfere is an Action card that can be invoked as a Secret, then later invoked from a Secret. Its ability will negate another card on the stack, meaning that card will go to the graveyard without resolving.

[[Hidden Dragon]]

Hidden Dragon is a Minion card that can be invoked as a Secret. Additionally, its ability makes it grow larger for each Secret you control.

Cards that are invoked from a Secret become new cards in play, meaning they cannot attack until after the following turn. For example, if Hidden Dragon invoked as a secret, then invoked from a secret (so it is now a minion on the field), that is treated as a new card on the field, and it will have to wait a turn before it can attack.

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